final short case
18 th January 2023 65 years old female patient who is from nalgonda labourer by occupation presented to OPD on 12-01-23 CHEIF COMPLAINTS: Abdominal pain since 2days Associated with nausea and vomiting since 1day HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back then she developed pedal edema, facial puffiness, decreased urine output short ness of breath grade 1 and difficulty in moving lower limbs 2 years back and was taken to a private hospital and diagnosed to have hypokalemic (k+2.2) and found to have raised creatinine levels 1 year back patient started walking with support and decreased pedal edema and facial puffiness and decreased urine output and diagnosed with CKD ( increased creatinine, shrunken kidney,anemia) 2months back pain abdomen, decreased appetite, burning micturition and cloudy urine for 6 days subsided on medication. 2days back pain abdomen - squeezing type not associated with loose stools Vomiting,nausea ...